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In my journey, I've discovered universal principles of Kingdom prosperity - truths that transcend culture and permeate every sphere of society.

While society faces a great threat, I'm appealing to the church to prepare and heed the call of Goshen.
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Genesis 47:27

What is Goshen

Goshen, inspired by a biblical land of refuge and prosperity during times of crisis, equips modern-day believers to thrive amid global uncertainties. We provide the tools and guidance to build wealth and create economic safety nets for the future.
Prepare for 2030
Start your Exodus Business
Grow with Like-Minded Individuals
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Unlock the Secrets to the Kingdom

Marketplace Coaching

If your aspirations include creating wealth and reaching the top 1% bracket, even if you’ve yet to embark upon your entrepreneurial journey…

And if you’re seeking to do so swiftly, with an eye toward preparing for the economic challenges ahead…

Then what I’m about to share with you could change the trajectory of your life forever. 
Join the Tribe
Jean Lehner
"I grew up with the thinking that money was evil. It's not the money itself, but who is using it and how. The teachings on wisdom and that money is a flow and that that flow is according to my capacity. This all has completely changed my perspective and while I weep that it has taken me so long to learn this, I praise, honor and worship the Lord for bringing me here!"
Day A.
"Our start up was invited by Amazon executives to ring the bell at Nasdaq. We were selected to be an Amazon AWS start up"
Tamiko C.
Goshen Student
"This is an answer to my prayers for
acquiring real estate - staying focused with God's help!"
Jean Lehner
"I grew up with the thinking that money was evil. It's not the money itself, but who is using it and how. The teachings on wisdom and that money is a flow and that that flow is according to my capacity. This all has completely changed my perspective and while I weep that it has taken me so long to learn this, I praise, honor and worship the Lord for bringing me here!"
Cynthia Murray
"As a pastor, talking about money has always been my least favorite part. It just felt awkward, you know? But Tomi and Dan's course has been a game-changer. It's like they gave me a whole new playbook for teaching about wealth from a biblical perspective. And the best part? I'm not just talking the talk anymore - I'm walking the walk. And my church fam is catching on too.Just the other day, one of my elders scored his first rental property!"
Andrew A.
“Had a donor give $10,000 last week from the 3-year Strategic Plan created utilizing AI”
Ecclesia (The called out ones)

Break Free from the World’s System

As the Ecclesia, we are called to step away from conventional systems and practices to access the wealth promised in Scripture. Goshen guides you to operate outside these systems and embrace divine principles for wealth.
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